THE GAMES. I have no interest in playing games. I don’t like card games, board games, video games, nor computer games. I don’t answer game requests no matter how close you are to getting 10,000 points or if you lost your cow in Farmville. JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE. I waste enough of my time on Facebook as it is.
THE LIKES. I don’t mind "liking" a nonprofit or a local business that I really use, but seriously "liking" some corporate entity like stupid Sears or something? I am not doing free advertising for anyone.
"CUT AND PASTE AND REPOST IF YOU AGREE". I am not cutting and pasting and reposting anything even if I do agree. It’s too much work. And it’s stupid. Where does this CUT AND PASTE AND REPOST stuff come from anyway? It’s a little weird.
FRIEND REQUESTS from people that I have absolutely no connection with. I have to wonder about these. Do they really want to be friends or are they just fishing for my information?
Inadvertently getting STATUS UPDATES from people I never want to EVER see again like my ex-husband. Unfortunately he is a contact for people that I actually want contact from. How else would I have learned that he re-married. I immediately blocked that little gem, but the damage was done. For a while he was coming up as a friend suggestion before I learned to block it. Unbelievable.
The constant "improvements". Why the hell do I have to re-do my profile just because some Facebook geek decides that the format isn’t good enough?
Despite all this irritating attributes, I will still keep using it. I don’t really have anyone to talk to at home except my daughter who sometimes isn’t in the mood to hear my comments and tells me she "doesn’t care". I know some people assume that’s it’s a substitute for real interaction, but sometimes it’s all you have. It’s fun to make comments and have other people go off onto tangents. It’s fun to learn that the people you barely knew in high school have the same interests as you. It’s useful for setting up get- togethers, networking or for sharing knowledge. But I will still bitch about it. And ignore Farmville.
I haven't been bothered by games requests since I found out that by moving the cursor over to the upper right of the message, a "Hide" option turned up. by clicking on it, it removed all future posts of that sorts.